
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Tribute to Magnificent Molly!

So yesterday I went to a birthday party at the park for my awesome friend, Molly! Her Sweet 16th. Want to know how we met? No? Well I'll tell you anyway...
It all started last summer when I was auditioning for a Play. See, we have a friend who's a gifted dancer and director and she's written and organized Plays for the past several years. So this would be my 2cd Play with her. When I got the cast list I found that I had gotten the part of Zibiah, an over-the-top and very rude and selfish mother. *sigh* I know, it's hard imagining me that way but... Haha, I'm KIDDING ;) Anyway, I realized that I would be splitting the part with a girl named Molly. I was like, "What? How's that possible?" Well when the 1st practice came around I found out. Since there would be two practices a week and three performance nights, Molly and I would each have one practice a week and then she'd get two of the performance nights, and I'd get one. So needless to say I was a little disappointed. But then I met Molly. Actually our "daughter" (in the Play) introduced us ;) And I immediately liked her. She was so sweet and friendly, seemed a tad bit nervous like me. But as the practices proceeded we warmed up very quickly and I didn't mind sharing the performance nights with her at all! So if we had never split our character, I would never have made such an awesome friend! Or we might have eventually met and all that, but working together and goofing off together, we really got close. Now we call each other, "My Other Self" ;)
So, that's the background story! It'd be about a year that I've known her now and I was very pleased to be invited to her party :) I knew there'd be Ultimate Frisbee going on but decided I wouldn't play that day - which did indeed shock a few of my friends haha. I love to play it, but I'm just soooo terrible! And I have no one to practice with at home so I really don't get better :P Otherwise I'd be awesome at it haha, jk ;) Anyway, so I decided to get "prettified" and be girly for once. That was fun too. We played a few card games and did plenty of chit-chatting and socializing. Played a few heated games of Spoons and I found I'm terrible at that too! :P I just needed a warm-up is all *sniff*. Anyway, haha, we had pizza and this AMAZING cookie/cake that was just to DIE for. Also I got to catch up with all my buddies that I hadn't seen in over 6 months, since last fall. Wow...was it really that long??? That's wrong. It's a SIN to stay away from friends that long! Well anyway, me and my "baby sister" - she's fourteen now but I've known her since she was five ;) - got to catch up a lot which I really, really enjoyed.
Then we had to deal with the crazy boys that had come :P Two of them decided it'd be "fun" to leap over the picnic tables and scare us girls half to death. Of course I announced that if they fell and killed themselves I'd laugh - nooo, really  I'd cry but you don't tell THEM that! Then they pulled a few prank phone calls which was hilarious to watch and listen to ;) Oh, and how could I forget the War of Junk? Catapulting napkin balls and leftover cookie from spoons and then tossing water bottles and empty coke cans at each other. One poor guy got hit in the head/face three times! Of course that didn't daunt him at all. He's too crazy to back off in a losing battle ;)
Around dusk us girls went to go sit in the grass and sing while Molly played her awesome guitar - which, btw girl, you never showed me how to play ONE chord! :'( waahhh!!! I'm kidding, Molly ;) I <3 you. Then the crazy guys decided to play frisbee over our heads but we ignored them and they finally found something else to do ;) The bugs weren't too too bad but when I had ants crawling all over my skirt, and I'm pretty tolerant of bugs, I decided to get up and go get another piece of cookie! I felt awful because then the parents started packing up and the guys came back from playing frisbee in the "proper" place and the girls headed back and everybody started leaving!!!! I was like NOOOO! Ah, but I guess good times must end huh? Well not for me! Because I got to go home with the birthday girl!
We ate a little more cookie - yeah we're bad ;) - and chit-chatted for awhile before Molly and I got on her Wii. Let me tell you what I am soooo glad none of y'all, save Molly, were there cuz I. was. AWFUL! Haha, hilariously so. When I got tired of trying to figure Nintendo out, Molly put on Just Dance and that was even more funny! We sure burned off that cookie and pizza! Or not ;) Of course I was getting mad at the stupid thing because see, you get points if you swing your arms this way and that the way they do on the TV but I mean gee! How hard is it to throw your hands up and back down? All I got was "ok's" and X's  while Molly's over there rackin' up points getting a bunch of "prefects" :P LOL I could've won AFV though, I'm surprised that show doesn't have hardly any videos of Wii "incidents" haha. But then my Mommy came to pick me up and after a bit more chit-chat we finally left. It was a fun fun day :)
So Molly, here is my post, dedicated to you, my comic-superhero-partner-other-self ;) I <3 you girl!


  1. Soooooo happy I got to see you girly! It was soooooo much fun! We totally need to hang out this summer! :)

  2. Oh yessss! It was! So many friends, too little time ;) And I'd love that! :D Once I get my
