
Friday, July 1, 2011

A Week Of House Sitting

Hey everybody! I've been away for a week house sitting for a dear friend, Miz Trish and her husband :) I had a grrrrreat time! I took care of her two horses, Candeloro and Coco, their two doggies, Koa (a golden retriever/husky mix) and Sugar (a verrry sweet german shepherd), and her wittle gway tabby kitty cat, Mia.

The only part I didn't really like that much was that I had to get up at 5:30am to feed the "kiddos" ;) Miz Trish had said I could go up at 6:30am but I wanted to keep her old schedule because she has to feed them at that time before going to work and I didn't wanna mix everything up. But I really didn't mind because I got to go back to sleep when I was done ;) So let's see...I'd get up and feed the doggies, then let them outside for awhile, let Mia outside with me while I fed the horses and then I'd walk the dogs. You know, it really does feel good and cool early in the morning! Anyway, then I'd go back inside, eat breakfast and jump back in bed haha ;) Oh the other thing that dampened my vacation was I had to do school work :P blahhhh *NOT FUN* I can't wait! for graduation!

But another cool thing they had at their house was Dish!  And they had TVLAND! Those of you who know me well know that that is very exciting for me hahaha ;D So I got to watch Gunsmoke and Bonanza everyday. I was very happy. And do ya know? I saw the episode of Bonanza where Ben meets his third wife/Little Joe's mother! I'd never seen that one before lol. Now I've gotten pretty addicted hehe ;)
Okay, then here's something funny that happened lol :D I was watching Gunsmoke and they had to track down this guy with hound dogs. So Sugar was laying on her bed by the TV dozing off and on. And suddenly the scene comes on with about ten hound dogs howling like crazy. Sugar lifts her head and pricks her ears, listening. Then she turns and looks at the TV and started watching the show!!! Once the dogs were quieted she went back to sleep mode but it was SO funny watching her watch the TV. I was wondering what the dogs were saying that caught her attention like that :D

I went up to the pasture on Sunday and Candeloro let me brush him down, comb out his mane and french braid it! He's sucha good horsie! He would nuzzle me with his top lip, it feels so funny haha :D The doggies let me brush them out too and now I know what it'll be like when Elsie has her full coat in ;D
Oh but it was even funner with Candeloro when I was mending a few parts on the fence line. He has such a fun personality. I wish our cows were more fun like that. Ah, oh well. Anyway, when he got used to my being up there he comes up to check everything out. So he nuzzles the fencing, then me, then he checks out my back pocket where he knows I hide carrots ;) But all he found were the wire cutters and tried to take those twice! It was sooo funny! Watching that top lip of his nuzzle everything was just crackin' me up! And then he checks out the fence to make sure I did everything to his satisfaction. He's such a silly boy ^_^ Oh and you know what else he did before I left? I can't remember what day it was but it was like a day or two before I left. He grinned! I am NOT kidding! He did! He lifted his top lip and lowered his bottom lip and just grinned this big cheesy grin! It was SO cute :D

I went and visited home Friday night, Saturday afternoon, and Sunday afternoon. Adam ran by and picked me up. See he was also house-sitting for Miz Trish's daughter. I house-sat for her daughter once and that was fun too :D But anyway, they don't live that far apart so Adam could just run by and get me and then we'd go home. Friday night we all watched MacGyver - oh yeah! :D Saturday afternoon we all played Monopoly which we haven't done in forever. It was a lot of fun until Adam and David formed the "Tyrant Corner." Little mischievous buggers. I was the second or third one out. I could've gone on but I was getting tired of it, you know how long Monopoly can run. I got to play with my wittle Elsie which I enjoyed :D Then it was back to my charges :)

Haha, but anyway so my house sitting days were filled with school work, funny four-leggeds, a little TV and a few chores. Ahhh, it was so much fun :)

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