
Monday, January 2, 2012

Fiddler on the Roof

Soo! I haven't written in forever and I apologize. So much has been going on!
First of all...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! 2012 is finally here!!! And only 41 days till my birthday when I'll be an official adult! Actually "half official" because I won't be a "real" adult until I'm 21. But whatever :P

Most of my friends know that I auditioned back in October 2011 for a part in Fiddler on the Roof. For those of you that don't know, Fiddler on the Roof is a very long musical that's 101% fantastical! I love the movie soooo much! So much so, that even though musical talent isn't exactly a gift of mine, I tried out. A few friends of mine were going to try out and that's how I found out about it. One of my friends, Jubilee, is a fantastic actress and got the leading part as Anne in Anne of Green Gables last year with this same theater.
Well, so they had 3 nights of auditions and I went the last night with my mom, twins sisters (who all tried out as well) and one of my awesome mother figures, Mrs. Belinda. One of my very dear friends, Molly, came just to support me ^_^ She knew how nervous I was. I have only ever been in 3 other plays one of which I didn't have any lines at all. The one I was in last year, (well, last LAST year in 2010 lol) The Cord of Courage, was the first one that I had a pretty big character to play. So I had a little experience with acting and some with Jewish dancing, but not with solo singing! Well anyway, I was bound and determined to suck up my nervousness and fear and try out. So I did and I survived ;)
I really had no hope of getting a part, I just knew my singing had killed any chance. But lo and behold! About a week later the director called and offered me the part of Tzietel the oldest daughter!!! I was SOOO shocked and thrilled and excited! The twins also got offered the parts of the two youngest daughters too! My friend Jubilee got the 2cd oldest daughter, Hodel. Tzietel doesn't have much singing but she is definitely one of the main MAIN characters. Ohhh I was soooooo thrilled!
So all this time we've been practicing and dancing and singing. Mom's started me up with singing lessons (YAY!) which I've always longed for anyway lol and I'm improving slowly but surely. Learning a lot. I had my lines and lyrics memorized within the first few weeks because I'm a major movie quoter and since FOTR (Fiddler on the Roof) is one of my beloved movies, it wasn't really an issue. Of course once I had them memorized and quite reading my script every night, I've kinda gotten rusty so I need to pick back up on that. We have 10 official practices left before Family Night on January 17. I'm not really too nervous actually. I just hope everyone (including me!) has singing and dancing down in time for performances.
So many of my friends, new and old, are coming to see performances! That's what makes me nervous the most. If I mess up if front of them I'll just curl up and die!! I'm working really hard to perfect my character and if I do mess up, cover over quickly so that no one's the wiser ;)

So! That's been my life for the past few months. As well as devouring school work. Oh Lord I can't wait till Graduationnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!! Then again, I've got to get the ball rollin' if I want to be DONE in time for graduation haha. So I will wrap this post up and hope y'all enjoy it :)

Happy New year Everyone!