
Monday, September 12, 2011

No, It's Not My Shop But It's Still Great!

Sooo, I know four other Rachels (actually one is a Rachael and one I don't really know but I'm hoping to meet her this week! haha.) Anyway, 1 of these wonderful Rachels opened up her own online store selling jewelry and pretty things that girls like ;) I love supporting small/hometown/friend's businesses and this falls in the category of a Friend's Business. So will y'all help me help her? Support her super cute little store and help it grow!!!! :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Bowling Partay!

Oh yes! It was as fun as it sounds! I often feel like I'm the one always being given to and invited places but I'm never giving back or hosting get-togethers so I finally cooked something up. Mom bought extra Ace's Bowling coupons just for me! Isn't she sweet? ;) So I could invite some friendses! I wanted to invite them all! But I could only pick four so finally I sent out invites to my dear friends Danielle, Kristen, Molly and Esther. The time was set for 12:30pm and we were gonna have pizza for lunch and everything! Funses!

And guess what else??? Mom let me drive ALL the way to Montgomery! For the first time in about 2 and 1/2 years since I got my permit! I also got to run some errands so I got practice in changing lanes, pulling through drive thrus, and scaring Mom hehe. Btw, did I mention I was doing all this in a 15 passenger van? I know, I'm awesome ;) LOL But Mom said I did good and I felt really confident, obviously since she had to keep telling me to slow down ;)

So we got to the Bowling Ally on time and Danielle and her mom were the first to arrive! We sat around and talked for a little while and then headed to the pool room to play while we waited on the others. Danielle said she stunk at pool and I know I do but she turned out pretty good! Of course I blame it on distraction of looking for the other girls ;) Esther and her mum were the next to arrive just as Danielle shot her last ball in. Yeah, she won :P We chit chatted ab it and then Molly popped in with her mum! Not long after Kristen swept in with her mom. So we all tittered and chattered while the moms congregated in the corner in their own circle ;) Us girls got all caught up first so we were more than ready when the moms finally broke away haha. 
We got lane 15 and started the first game. I couldn't believe how good I was at first! I got a strike on my 2cd turn! I think.... Anyway I guess it was the adrenaline of excitement ;) Danielle got in there and just blew everything out of the water lol! She could swing that ball, just sayin :D Kristen is so gentle and soft that she rolled the ball so softly I wasn't sure it would hit anything but she rolled it so straight!! We all tried rolling like her but I guess only Kristen could perfect it :D Esther looked like a cutie from the 50's with her full white skirt and the bowling shoes :D She's always so pretty :) Molly was soooo cute with what I call her "foot thing". You know how you're supposed to get your right leg out of the way and so you like curl it behind you? Well Molly would just do her foot and it was just the cutest little pose! haha! Anyway, everyone was better than I was at bowling lol but we all weren't the absolute best. So I called us the Loser League haha! Nah, we weren't that bad. But Danielle was the only won who broke 100 so I guess you can figure out who won the first game ;)
The second game we were all worse. Weird I know. From the second frame for like 8 frames I got zero!!! I was stuck at a 6 for over half the game! :P Anyway, Danielle won again and Molly and Kristen tied for second I think. Or maybe it was the third game we played that they tied. Anyway, Danielle won all three LOL Actually 2 and 1/2 games cuz while we were in the middle of taking turns rolling the 15 lb ball the game cut off and our two hours were up :(

So the moms kept on chatting while us girls trooped over to the pool room and played some more pool. Oh! We also tried the Boxer machine! I was the most powerful at about 940 I think (children, it was NOT from spinach ;) hahaha Just go milk your cows lol). Which I was the second smallest girl there I think so I was surprised! Molly wanted to try the dart board so I lent her 50 cents and we never figured the stupid machine out so I joke around and teased Molly that she owes me 50 cents hehehe ;) She's so fun to tease :D  Ohhh! Then there was the pinball machine and I won't even go into that hahaha. The girls know what I'm talking about ;)

Ah but finally the fun had to end :( Though we had to drop Kristen off at her house so we got to visit a little longer :) That was fun. Then from Wal-Mart I drove home. After stopping by Russell Do-It where I got my cowgirl hat!!! Whoo hoo! I'm authentic now! You know what I gotta do now? Dress up - gotta get me some cowgirl boots - and go saddle up Latte hahaha!!! (For those of you who don't know, Latte is one of our cows lol)

Anyway, so thank you for reading and thanks girls for coming to the bowling party! I had a "ball" ;) he.he.he

Below are some pics of our funness :D

The AWESOME Loser League ;)


Me :)

Danielle with the 15 lb ball

Whew! Talk about heavy!

Haha she thought it was heavy too!

Molly actually hit 3 pins with it!

Had to post this Molly. Your expression is too good :D

Sweet Kristen

Cute Molly

Awesome Danielle

Pretty Esther

Just me ;)

One of her um...interesting...poses...

I can just hear her now... "I'll pay you back! I promise!" ;)


More pinball! We couldn't lose! It was hilarious!

 A couple of edited pics, you know me ;)

Me and Esther :)

Ta dah!!!

 Hope you enjoyed them! :D