
Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Little Of This & A Little Of That

Ok, so it way past time for me to post about something but my life has been pretty boring lately so I'll post a little of this and a little of that to make it all one big interesting post! How does that sound??? Ok, weird ;P

Saturday night and Sunday night I went to go see Found At The Well - a play that a friend of mine directed and put together and several of my friends were in. It was absolutely superb!!! I loved every minute! Special thanks to Big Bro Adam for taking me again Sunday night ;) Saturday I went with the whole fam and my good friend Danielle. Had a blast :)

Then Monday and Tuesday were so boring and uninteresting I didn't even write a paragraph in my journal. Except Monday I had a pretty bad headache. Dunno what's up with that...

On Wednesday though I got my hair cut!!! Not shorter, but just layered. I had gone through my "snip phase" where I was dying for something different and cutesy - my facebook friends can testify to that haha! But I want to grow it out again because I figure as I get older (and hopefully one day a mommy) I won't have the time or patience to deal with long hair. So if I want long hair, it's got to be now. I also always imagined myself with long hair when I get married. A little strange, but hey, everyone can dream right? ;) So yeah, I'm growing it out again. I got it cut after an Ashley Olsen picture. When it was all done though, it didn't look too much different except for the first layer or two. But omw, it was SO thin! I was devastated at how thin it was!!! I might have gone ahead and chopped it off and felt a lesser sense of loss. My hair had finally regained some of it's thickness from the last time I cut it! Now it's so thin I can't even put it in a clip without it slipping out. Buuuut, once I washed my hair and dried it, it looked better. Of course my right side is perfect but my left side is stubborn and just droops. Grrrr! But anyway, so yeah I have a somewhat new look. It's ok :)

On Thursday I went and got my first EVER pedicure!!! My super Mom got her first one too haha. We had gotten coupons for it otherwise *choke* we'd never have had the wonderful experience. I can't believe people pay that much just to be pampered!!! Personally, I was reluctant to even get a pedicure in the first place because I'm so embarrassed of my feet! I mean, I go barefoot 24/7, especially in the summer! Even last Winter I hardly had on socks. Plus I run around outside barefoot sometimes. That'll toughen your feet! But anyway they took us back into the quiet serene room where two foot bubble baths were going. The lady who was in charge of me told be to go ahead and sit down and soak my feet. We each got to sit in this big comfy swivel chair and put our feet in the bubbly water! Ohhhh it felt so good. Our feet soaked awhile and then the ladies came in. I was SO relieved for the lady who did mine when I saw she had gloves on. Believe me, I knew my feet weren't pretty! So after doing all the dirty work and cleaning and scrubbing my feet, she shaped and clipped my toe nails and massaged my feet and lower legs. It felt great! I hate massaging other people's feet - unless they have clean socks on - but I love having my own feet massaged :D
Ok so then she puts this gray clay mask on my lower legs and got out these HOT towel to wrap my legs in. The first leg she wrapped was ok and she asked if it was too hot. Since it wasn't I told her it was fine. It was. When she put the next towel on my left leg OH MY WORD! I thought I'd been permanently scarred when the towel seared into my leg! Ai yai yai!!! I bit my bottom lip and I'm sure my face got red but I wasn't about to complain, especially after I just told her that it was fine! After a few moments it finally cooled but gee wiz! Whew!
Next she painted my nails. Now, when we had first come into the room she immediately told me to sit down and soak my feet but Mama's girl told her to pick out a nail polish color. Well, I couldn't exactly get up and go pick out a color with my feet soaked. So I figured I'd just tell the girl what color I wanted and she'd know best which shade was best, blah blah blah. HA! I won't do that again. Mom picked out her color and then got to her pedicure. I decided I wanted to be bold and do bright scarlet. So the lady picks out a few shades of red and holds them out. I didn't really like either but went with the brightest. So that's what she did on me. It looked pretty good and then she let me get up and put my feet under this little fan dryer thingy. Mama had gotten started after me so her girl was still chatting and working on her feet. When my feet were done I got up to go look at all the colors. And to my dismay I found a gorgeous variety of colors! It hadn't looked like that many from where I was sitting and most of them looked like they were pink and red. Well, I immediately found this beautiful shade of bright scarlet with sparklies! I was so frustrated that she hadn't held that shade out! Or let me know to pick out  my color before I soaked my feet! This color was MUCH brighter than the ones she'd held out! Grrr! The shade I had on I had at home anyway! Well, I'll know better next time. My feet were soft and smelled good and I had a great, neat paint job done. I'd enjoyed it, why get miffed about a shade of red? Mom had picked out a pretty pink color but she's more into darker colors so she wasn't sure. Her girl tested the pink on one toe and then when Mom wasn't satisfied she picked out a metallic purpleish pink. It was gorgeous and totally Mama. So she got that one. I liked her color better than mine but then I took a breath and scolded myself for being so snippity and ungrateful. I'd had a good time and gotten pampered. That was good enough.
Well, then we checked out and realized that we'd both gotten Spa pedicures when Mom was supposed to ge the 1 hr. Spa Pedicure and I was supposed to have gotten the Classic Pedicure - which was a little cheaper. Then I was going to get my eyebrows done at the mall. But since they'd given us both Spa Pedicures we went ahead and paid for it and I didn't get my eyebrows done. Which was ok, I mean it's no biggy. But gee, they should've paid more attention! But we even went to the mall afterwards and got Chinese food so that made me feel better :) Mmmm!

On Friday I literally spent ALL day - give or take a few hours - on Math. Ugh! I'd gotten stuck in a few areas and called my second adopted mother ;) to help me out since she was such a math wiz. I was on the phone with her for over an hour! Then spent more time trying to figure out different equations. Gee, I mean  whoever invented Algebra and Trig and all that should've kept their "magnificent discoveries" to themselves. I could give them a few bonks on the head. No every one is a math fanatic like them or Momma B!

And then today our AC went out. Yeah. I was sooooooo hot!!!  And so stinkin' humid!!! Plus I woke up with a bad headache. I was all sticky and my hair was an absolute disaster. Which I'm not a fashion queen here but by the end of the day my hair was so limp and pathetic I just looked nasty. Of course I showered and that felt pretty good. It had rained too and I went out there to stand on the deck and cool off! Whew! Tomorrow is going to be sooooo humid...I hate to even think about it. While playing Risk with the kids we had four fans blowing on us. I could kiss the inventor of the Air Conditioner!!!! Now there is someone who put his/her time to good use! ;)

So anyway, maybe my week wasn't too boring. I just can't wait to get my car and be a little more social you know? :)